Foundation Partner Sessions
Attend one of these foundation partner sessions to see evidence of what we know works for students.
Our foundation partners, The Wallace Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, play a pivotal role in the field of professional learning through their work, research, and reports. They also bolster our 2023 Annual Conference by offering generous financial support, which in turn enables us to keep registration costs as low as possible and deliver industry-leading knowledge and best-practices. We invite you to consider attending the sessions below, where field-leading experts will share the latest research and insights from projects supported by the foundations on timely topics like leadership, continuous improvement, and curriculum-based professional learning.
TL03 | Culturally Responsive School Leadership and Principal Pipelines
Comprehensive, aligned principal pipelines have been shown to be feasible, affordable, and effective. Join Mark A. Gooden, professor of education leadership at Columbia University, to learn how the Culturally Responsive School Leadership (CRSL) framework can be applied to each of the seven domains of principal pipelines using a new tool with self-guided questions for districts, all with the goal of supporting principals who can advance equitable outcomes for students.
2429 | Great Learning, Great Leaders: Summer's Unmet Potential
Learn how two districts improved leadership growth and student outcomes by prioritizing high-quality summer learning for staff and students. District Summer Learning Network participants from Newark, NJ, and Tuscaloosa, AL, share the evidence-based improvements that they implemented while leveraging professional learning for future leaders. Consider these issues in terms of your district and leave with a clear set of recommendations, aligned with the PSEL standards, for the cost of a single initiative.
3209 | District-to-School Curriculum-Based Professional Learning System Anchored in Early Literacy
Learn how curriculum-based professional learning is being leveraged to deepen teachers’ and leaders' content knowledge and impact student literacy as evidenced by benchmark data. Explore a model that centers students’ instructional experience, teachers' content knowledge, and the related leadership moves needed to implement and sustain these practices. Leave with a template for engaging a district and school coalition to create a vision and identify resources for curriculum-based professional learning.
2208 | Using Video Analysis in Curriculum-Based Professional Learning
Engage in analysis-of-practice using videoclips from the classroom as one teacher implements high-quality instructional materials and from professional learning as study group members analyze that same classroom videoclip. Link this experience to the Elements of Curriculum-based Professional Learning and implications for your setting. Consider leadership roles and responsibilities for putting the Elements into action.
PC03 | Transforming Teaching through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning
Experience curriculum-based learning and consider how it differs from traditional professional learning. Examine a set of research-based actions, approaches, and enabling conditions that effective schools and systems have put in place to reinforce and amplify the power of high-quality curriculum and skillful teaching. Consider strategies for applying them to your plans for professional learning.
TL01 | Transforming Professional Learning and Teaching at Scale
What will it take to transform teaching and improve student learning at scale? What do we know from research, how are systems supporting teacher learning with high-quality curriculum, and what policies are needed to create the conditions for effective curriculum implementation? Engage with Sonja Santelises, CEO of Baltimore Public Schools, Heather Hill, professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Mike Petrilli, president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, and Stephanie Hirsh, former executive director of Learning Forward, to get strategies for improving the field of curriculum-based professional learning.
1408 | Using Curriculum-Based Professional Learning to Drive Coherent Districtwide Improvement
Discover how Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is one of the few large urban school systems providing high-quality curriculum that centers culturally responsive and sustaining educational practices in all grades and subjects. Learn how CPS is using the Elements of Curriculum-based Professional Learning to provide system- and classroom-level supports that drive instructional and student learning improvement. Experience how Co-Labs, professional learning communities grounded in anchor protocols focused on unit, lesson, and data study, drive school-level improvement.
2204 | Explore Your Opportunity to Impact the Field of Curriculum-Based Professional Learning
Uncover how everyday, ground-level activities in our schools and systems can contribute to and ignite movements. Learn about the field of curriculum-based professional learning – a growing effort focused on equipping educators with what they need to engage students in rigorous, student-centered instruction. Explore how you can drive the broader effort forward in your school, system, and well beyond.
2229 | Learning from Networks for School Improvement
Learn from the April 2023 issue of The Learning Professional, which highlighted promising practices, lessons learned, and impact achieved by intermediary organizations leading networks of schools using continuous improvement strategies to improve student outcomes. Explore a subset of these articles, with the authors discussing their work over the course of this multi-year initiative. Delve deeply into on one article with the author of your choice.
2405 | Addressing the Instructional Core through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning
Experience a curriculum-based professional learning design that shifts practice in the instructional core. Examine a professional learning design for improving teacher practices with curriculum, student connections to content, and relationships between teachers and students. Learn how structures that include building peer collaboration and follow-up coaching are impacting outcomes for students.
2406 | Evidence for Improvement: Applying the Curriculum Implementation Change Framework
Learn from teachers’ experiences with high-quality curriculum and/or curriculum-based professional learning (HQIM/PL) to strengthen implementation. Train up on the Curriculum Implementation Change Framework (CICF), a framework and toolkit that helps leaders collect and analyze data on teachers’ attitudes toward and use of HQIM/PL to guide implementation planning. Engage in a support planning simulation and leave ready to use CICF to strengthen your HQIM/PL.